From a user perspective, this would be easier and more intuitive than forcing us to create 2 new otherwise non-existent texture files just for the green channels.

And if Occlusion defaulted to the Alpha channel as well, then for any textures that did not use transparency, Occlusion could be packed in the Alpha channel of the Albedo texture. And this would match the DX11 shader defaults. Albedo, Spec, and Normal are all full-color RGB, which means if we want to use Height (aka Parallax) maps and Occlusion, we have to add 2 additional RGB textures, just to get the Green channel from each.Īs far as I understand, other methods of compression are replacing DXT, so if that's the only reason for putting all the maps in the green channel, can Unity just let that go? It seems to me it would make more sense to put the Height map in the alpha channel of the Normal map, since Height is not used without a normal map, anyway. This is extra frustrating when using the Specular workflow as opposed to Metalness, since there are no textures that have a spare green channel. The only place I see this documented is in the pop-up in Unity when you mouse over each channel name - it says "Height Map (G)" and "Occlusion (G)." At the time of this writing (Mar 2, 2016) the official documentation for the height and AO channels at and does not actually list which texture channel these maps should go in.

OK I know I'm reviving an old thread but I can't find the official word from Unity on this anywhere.